Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Discover Yourself

Far too often, we tend to be envious of our friends and colleagues around us - the places they have travelled, the food they have eaten, the shopping items that they have purchased, the houses they have purchased. As a result there are expectations set within us. At times we wish we could own that property, purchase that branded bag or dress or even travel to that destination. 

Over the years, every day is a discovery for me. I learnt what dress sense suits me; my personality and what makes me smile; the choices I make in life and in my career; the circle of friends that I have surrounded with and graces of God. I enjoy the quiet moments that I have for myself. I love sharing information such as career tips, work experiences, travel stories and health matters. 

The experience in life is unique to each of us. Don't compare. Enjoy each moment as it comes. As a writer, I truly love writing and when the work is published there is an immense sense of joy within me. When I travel, I love photography as this gives the opportunity to experience the sights. I love the friendships that I have made in this journey and am thankful for the support and love of my family. 

Be yourself. Be unique. 

Monday, May 6, 2019


What does having a career mean to you? Some of you may say it is having work satisfaction, being at senior management level, having a high pay or perhaps a regional position. 

For those who are entering the workforce, the course that you study will indirectly determine the type of jobs that you will be applying for. Some of us will then be forced to take on jobs that you have no interest in. I was one of them.

I graduated with an Arts Degree majoring in Economics and Statistics. My A level grades did not give me the opportunity to choose what I wanted to study - which was then marketing and business. It took me 10 years and the relevant job experiences to allow me to do my Masters in Mass Communications. I really enjoyed the course and I am thankful to find myself in a career that I am passionate in. 

If you are stuck in your career, what do you do?

 Here are some tips to consider :
1. Network - it is who you know that may get you the next job.
2. Read extensively on career materials online to know the trends - what recruiters are looking are and what skills are needed.
3. Know yourself and find out what makes you tick at work - be realistic.
4. Get a good career mentor/ coach who will guide you in your career journey.
5. Attend courses to upgrade your skills. 

Sunday, January 27, 2019

True Friends

People are here in your life for a reason, season and lifetime. True friends are there for you in good times and bad times. They are there to celebrate your milestones in life, to cheer you and be your listening ear. They are also there to give good advice in a neutral and objective way. I am thankful for my good friends for being there for me. It is always essential to have a strong support from true friends.

There are also friends who believe in one sided friendship. They just need to pour out their grievances to you without bothering to ask how you are doing. There are others who either count dollars and cents in the friendship - either take things for granted, free-riding on meals ( ie whenever you are out with them, you are footing the bills and they do not pay at all); a friend who expects you to do all the miscellaneous stuff like making reservations for dinner appointments all the time, enquiry of travel bookings and liaising, and being at their beck and call. Avoid flaunting handbags/ jewelry/ shopping purchases to me - it shows me then outward belonging matter more to you. These are friends whom I would slowly drop them along the way.

Friendship is two way process and it takes time to develop. How you treat others is how others will treat you back. Remember the little things in life. For instance a simple birthday card/ greeting can make me smile. A gift from the heart is always heart-warming. Wishing someone a birthday / anniversary greeting or praying for a friend- all these are the little gestures of how important that friendship means me. 

Have you been a true friend?