Wednesday, April 8, 2020

5 Ways to Stay Resilient

It is said that some of us are have the ability to overcome setbacks with relative ease. This is a trait known as resilience which one can develop over time. People with resilience are more willing to take risks and have a greater sense of control over their lives.

Here are five ways to make yourself more resilient:

1.     Have a Sense of Purpose

Resilient people search for meaning. By developing a “personal why” this helps them have a clear sense of purpose. This allows them to view setback from a macro perspective. To develop resilience, we need to pay attention to our life experiences, listen to our emotions and be willing to celebrate our milestones and learn from our setbacks.

2.     Nurture Relationships 

Resilient people are able maintain strong and supportive relationships, both personal and professional. They usually have one or two people in their lives they can turn to.This pillar of support is instrumental to them through times of crisis.

3.     Master Your Emotions 

Resilient people are optimist. They usually have a positive outlook. They constantly remind themselves the challenges they face in life are temporary. They focus on what they can learn from the experiences.

4.    Take Action

Resilient people do not let themselves get paralyzed by negativity. They face their fears and have an adaptive attitude. Instead they work on solving the problems and think of ways to improve their situation.

5.     Keep Giving

Resilient people find a way to care for others even in the most challenging times. They find ways to support their friends for example publicising their business for them or inspiring the people around them. Sometimes being selfless is the best way to discover your own strength.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Be a Team Player

When you are working with a great team, every day can be an adventure. However with a bad team, you will be unhappy and not motivated. Here are five qualities of a team player:

1.Be Flexible

Outstanding team players are flexible to the situations that are thrown their way. They contribute to the team rather than sitting on the fence. They participate and tackle challenges without showing too many signs of pressure or stress.

2. Be a Problem-Solver

When your team leader is working on solving problems, be there to contribute to solutions and initiatives. Adopt a consultative style and be open to feedback. Your team members will appreciate your skills.

3.Be an Active Listener

A team player is one who respectfully consider the viewpoints and ideas of other people as well. It takes skills to be an active listener. When you hear someone saying something you do not initially agree with, try to refrain from interrupting and do not let your mind prepare any counter remarks. Just listen attentively and pay attention to what they are saying.

4.Be Honest

Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but when people try to shift the blame and finger point at one another, this is where the team may disintegrate. It may be challenging to handle bad news. However the sooner you embrace the truth as a team, the faster you can innovate and come to a solution. By being honest, you can deliver constructive criticisms tactfully without hurting anyone’s feelings.

5.Stay Positive

Adopt a mindset to stay positive. Positivity is not about how talkative and constantly putting on a smile. It is possible to remain positive in a low-key manner and still have a wonderful impact on your teammates. When you are conscious about staying positive, you will see failure as feedback rather than a disaster. Staying positive means finding a solution to a problem rather than passing the blame and dwelling on things you are unable to control.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Tips To Stay Efficient While Working From Home

As a writer, work is usually done with my laptop and my handphone. I usually communicate with my clients via email or WhatsApp. Home is usually the place I write in silence. During this Covid-19 Circuit Breaker period when most of us have to work from home, here are some tips to stay efficient while working from home. 

1.     Set Up A Daily Goal List
Before you start the day, draw up a list of things you hope to achieve for the day. Prioritise the items in terms of urgency. Tick off the items that you have achieved at the end of the day.

2.     Be Disciplined
Start the day at the time you would start your day at work. Be dressed in comfortable attire but not in your pyjamas. In a way you are reminding yourself you are at work. Stay away from social media or snacks that would distract you from your work.

3.     Balanced Meals
Have a good breakfast. Stay hydrated and walk around every hour to stretch or get a drink. When it is lunch time, please grab a bite and go for lunch. Food gives us the energy. Some of us are able to cook in and have lunch within that hour. The rest of us may do a takeaway at coffeeshop/ hawker centre or call in delivery services. End the day with dinner with your family and some ‘me’ time.

4.     Work and Play
We are usually focused at work, at times clarifying issues with clients or even working with demanding clients. It can be exhausting. Set aside the end time for work at the end of the day. After working for the day, take time to relax by reading a book, watching the television or doing something you enjoy.

5.     A Circle of Friends
I am thankful for circle of friends who have been my pillar of support. It can be boring at times as a writer as all we do is to write. I have friends who at times will check on me, engage me with discussions or keep me in prayers. There are others I will catch up with them over a meal.