Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Be a Team Player

When you are working with a great team, every day can be an adventure. However with a bad team, you will be unhappy and not motivated. Here are five qualities of a team player:

1.Be Flexible

Outstanding team players are flexible to the situations that are thrown their way. They contribute to the team rather than sitting on the fence. They participate and tackle challenges without showing too many signs of pressure or stress.

2. Be a Problem-Solver

When your team leader is working on solving problems, be there to contribute to solutions and initiatives. Adopt a consultative style and be open to feedback. Your team members will appreciate your skills.

3.Be an Active Listener

A team player is one who respectfully consider the viewpoints and ideas of other people as well. It takes skills to be an active listener. When you hear someone saying something you do not initially agree with, try to refrain from interrupting and do not let your mind prepare any counter remarks. Just listen attentively and pay attention to what they are saying.

4.Be Honest

Everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but when people try to shift the blame and finger point at one another, this is where the team may disintegrate. It may be challenging to handle bad news. However the sooner you embrace the truth as a team, the faster you can innovate and come to a solution. By being honest, you can deliver constructive criticisms tactfully without hurting anyone’s feelings.

5.Stay Positive

Adopt a mindset to stay positive. Positivity is not about how talkative and constantly putting on a smile. It is possible to remain positive in a low-key manner and still have a wonderful impact on your teammates. When you are conscious about staying positive, you will see failure as feedback rather than a disaster. Staying positive means finding a solution to a problem rather than passing the blame and dwelling on things you are unable to control.

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