Monday, April 6, 2020

Tips To Stay Efficient While Working From Home

As a writer, work is usually done with my laptop and my handphone. I usually communicate with my clients via email or WhatsApp. Home is usually the place I write in silence. During this Covid-19 Circuit Breaker period when most of us have to work from home, here are some tips to stay efficient while working from home. 

1.     Set Up A Daily Goal List
Before you start the day, draw up a list of things you hope to achieve for the day. Prioritise the items in terms of urgency. Tick off the items that you have achieved at the end of the day.

2.     Be Disciplined
Start the day at the time you would start your day at work. Be dressed in comfortable attire but not in your pyjamas. In a way you are reminding yourself you are at work. Stay away from social media or snacks that would distract you from your work.

3.     Balanced Meals
Have a good breakfast. Stay hydrated and walk around every hour to stretch or get a drink. When it is lunch time, please grab a bite and go for lunch. Food gives us the energy. Some of us are able to cook in and have lunch within that hour. The rest of us may do a takeaway at coffeeshop/ hawker centre or call in delivery services. End the day with dinner with your family and some ‘me’ time.

4.     Work and Play
We are usually focused at work, at times clarifying issues with clients or even working with demanding clients. It can be exhausting. Set aside the end time for work at the end of the day. After working for the day, take time to relax by reading a book, watching the television or doing something you enjoy.

5.     A Circle of Friends
I am thankful for circle of friends who have been my pillar of support. It can be boring at times as a writer as all we do is to write. I have friends who at times will check on me, engage me with discussions or keep me in prayers. There are others I will catch up with them over a meal.

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