Tuesday, June 30, 2020

How To Show Empathy

Empathy is the ability to share and understand the feeling of another person. I enjoy the company of good friends, especially those who know how to show empathy and bother to ask how one is doing. I am extremely put off by those who are attention seeking and put down others.

Here are four ways to show empathy :

1. Ask How You Can Help
Empathy is more than just understanding why a person feels a certain way. Empathy is also being able to help someone in whatever way you can.

In a situation when you may be considering how to develop empathy, you can try to put yourself in that person’s shoes or literally ask the persona what you can do to be of assistance.

2. Active Listening
Many people listen to respond in a conversation. They are not fully engaged with the person whom they are having a conversation with. They are either distracted by other matters or lost in their own thoughts.

Active listening requires asking questions and understanding more about a person’s insights and feelings in their circumstance. We can only notice what they are saying, their body language and facial expressions.

3. Be Open 
When we are able to be open and vulnerable, we are able to show our human side. Empathy is a two-way relationship. It is important to show empathy to the other person and it is equally important that they show empathy to you too.

When you are able to share personal experiences, this may allow others to relate to their current struggles. We build trust too with people when we show our vulnerable side. People are more open and we give them the confidence to speak freely.

4. A Different Perspective 
When you are able to see someone as a human being, you are able to see them beyond their appearance, job or actions. We recognise that they have a past that might include struggles and past hurts. When they make mistakes, we remind ourselves, we too make mistakes.

Most of the time we forget that the person we are speaking too is also facing his or her own challenges. When we remind ourselves to be kind to others, adopt a softer connect, we build a closer connection.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

4 Ways to Slow Down

In a world filled with much noise and distractions, it can be stressful. At times we spend so much time and energy trying to keep up with daily issues that we hardly have time to sit down to relax. If you find yourself filling anxious or overwhelmed, here are 4 tips to slow down.

1.Take a walk

I enjoy starting the day taking a walk in the park. During this period, I will allocate time in the morning to exercise and be with nature. It is a relaxing feeling, just seeing people do tachi and teenagers playing football. Immersing oneself with the greenery is certainly very therapeutic.

2.Put away your phone

The phone has been my constant source of companion to stay in touch with my friends and staying in touch with news. However when I am in a rush to meet my datelines, I will put my phone away for the day to get things done. The least you could do is to put on silence mode so that there are fewer rings and beeps sounds vying for your attention.

3.Be with people you love

A great way to practice slowing down is to spend time with the people whom you love and being present when you are with them. This helps to remind me what matters most in life. They are my pillars of support. It is easier to step away from some of the busyness when we are focused on spending time with those we love.

4.Listen when talking to someone

When you are having a conversation with someone, try to give your conversation your undivided attention. Instead of responding, try to practice listening to understand. By finding moments of connection and truly listening to the person you are talking to, will enable you to slow down and be more present in your life.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


This COVID period has certainly been a daunting period. Projects are either postponed or cancelled. Payments for completed projects are delayed. It is challenging time trying to get in new projects and at times it can be stressful.

One Day At A Time
For me, I just take things one day at a time. Daily I set goals to achieve for the day. This could be pitching to 20 companies each day or touching base with clients and friends. It could also be completing an existing work and adding value to the work that I do.

Being Thankful
There are challenging moments, worrying when is the next writing job, finances and our health. I learn to focus on gratitude. Just being thankful each day for the gift of life and sight, our daily meals, a place to stay and being with our loved ones is something I am truly grateful for. In my quiet moments, I pray and this has given me a sense of peace. Through prayers I find the strength to live each day to the fullest.

The Gift of Friendship
My friends have been my pillar of support in my journey. I cherish each friendship, some dating from school days. I am very blessed to know people through different stages of my life. It is amazing how we are still in touch. Each friend plays an instrumental role especially the closer ones who are there for me through the ups and downs of my life. They cherish me just the way I am.