Wednesday, September 19, 2018


When I received this picture in my email yesterday, I realized what a timely reminder this message is to me. Indeed happy people focus on what they have. It may just be a slice of cake, but to be able to taste and eat the cake, it is already a blessing. Every day we get up, be thankful for the gift of life, sight, family and friends. 

Unhappy people tend to focus on what's missing. How true. Put yourself at your work place, those who are always involved in office politics, I wonder how happy are they. For me when we work, all we really want is do a good job, work as a team and get a decent pay to pay our bills. Yet somehow there will always be office politics around. The scary part of it even if you don't participate in office politics, somehow you will be pulled into it - more as a tool. Those who are vocal and attention seeking usually are the colleagues to be careful of. 

It is very draining when people around you don't appreciate what you have done for them. Sometimes the things that I buy for my family members, instead of a thank you, I get nagged on for that purchase. At times things get cast aside until they expire. There are friends who like to pour out their unhappiness and never bother to ask how one is doing. They hardly see the blessings they have. All they seek is your listening ear and never bother about the advice you give. 

It's the small little things in life that matter. Thank you for the graces in life. I choose to be Happy. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Extroverts are often described as the life of parties. They are often described as outgoing, sociable, friendly, talkative and action-orientated. Well, all I can say there is there a never moment being around with me. I am always up to mischief or rather busy with matters. Yes, I am an outgoing extrovert. Here are some of my traits :

Love to talk
I love to engage in conversations. Silence terrifies me especially if one is at a party or in a business deal. My mum says that I resemble my late dad, who loves to socialize. Throw me a topic and I am sure I can talk about it. I like to find out more about the other person that I am talking to. A conversation is never focused about me, it is always about you. 

I enjoy spending time with people. Usually I feel energized and charged up when I am out for talks and events. I actually gain energy with such social interactions. Which probably explains why I am perfectly comfortable facilitating in groups and organizing events. If you ask me to stay home for the entire week, I will feel very tired and bored. 

Since young, I find it easy to meet new people and new friends. Whenever I travel in tour groups, I will be chatting with tour mates. At the end of the trip, we still keep in touch. At work place, I  always have colleagues who are there for me. In my studies, I am thankful to find course mates who end up being my project/ study mates and good friends. 

Solve Problems
Not one to sweep things under the carpet, I dislike it when there are no solutions. I like to come together to discuss issues with solutions. I recalled last semester when we were doing my philosophy paper, we had to prepare 65 questions for our exams. With a friend we formed a study group, and we took different questions to prepare and then shared as a team. 

Willing to share
If it is something within my knowledge and means, I will share with others. I have shared with a few on career and work opportunities. Where I am today, I truly believe in paying in forward. I recalled as a student, I will always be the one that will collate the class essay and then send to all. When we share, we also grow.

Monday, September 17, 2018

The beauty of flowers

Sunflowers at Flower Dome

Being in nature allows me to be carefree. The freedom just to be me, enjoying the greenery, the flowers, the animals and the sky. I also have the opportunity to take photos. Photography is another of my hobbies - hopefully in this lifetime I will own an SLR camera.

Here I am at the flower dome at Gardens by the Bay. Indeed, this round the exhibits are on the sunflowers. For a moment I wish I am transported to Khao Yai, a place I have been eyeing for the past two years but no chance to visit yet. Hopefully next year, yet there is another destination in mind for next year end. The main highlight is to see the sunflowers there and to explore the sights there.  There are so many more places to explore yet I have to find friends, persuade hubby to come along with me and also save hard for such trips.

I love flowers. Their beauty makes me smile. In Europe, if you can see the flowers such as tulips, roses and lavender in bloom, it will definitely be a picture perfect postcard. I am thankful for the flowers I receive from my hubby on my birthdays and Valentine's day. Something I look forward, although they are indeed expensive especially on Valentine's day. Well this only happens once a year.
Birthday Flowers 2018