Wednesday, September 19, 2018


When I received this picture in my email yesterday, I realized what a timely reminder this message is to me. Indeed happy people focus on what they have. It may just be a slice of cake, but to be able to taste and eat the cake, it is already a blessing. Every day we get up, be thankful for the gift of life, sight, family and friends. 

Unhappy people tend to focus on what's missing. How true. Put yourself at your work place, those who are always involved in office politics, I wonder how happy are they. For me when we work, all we really want is do a good job, work as a team and get a decent pay to pay our bills. Yet somehow there will always be office politics around. The scary part of it even if you don't participate in office politics, somehow you will be pulled into it - more as a tool. Those who are vocal and attention seeking usually are the colleagues to be careful of. 

It is very draining when people around you don't appreciate what you have done for them. Sometimes the things that I buy for my family members, instead of a thank you, I get nagged on for that purchase. At times things get cast aside until they expire. There are friends who like to pour out their unhappiness and never bother to ask how one is doing. They hardly see the blessings they have. All they seek is your listening ear and never bother about the advice you give. 

It's the small little things in life that matter. Thank you for the graces in life. I choose to be Happy. 

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